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The Oral Systemic Connection: The Mouth and Body Connection: Bacteria, Yeast, Candida, Virus, Parasites, Fungus

The link between the oral cavity and systemic diseases is usually in the hands of the Doctors of Dental and Oral Medicine.  Actinomycosis and Candida Albucans (bacteria and yeast), Streptococcus Mutans , Lactobacillus, and spirochetes, (associated with Lyme disease, and syphilis (spirochetes) , both possibly all, share having damaging Cardiovascular effects ( the link for example of Periodontal Disease and Heart Disease ).

Dr Craig Brown's Holistic Health of Florida

Dr Craig brown’s Global Holistic Health
Email us at : DrCraigBrown@DrCraigBrown.com

All or some forms of bad bacteria, and pathogens are major offenders in the oral cavity and ‘markers’ of either existing systemic diseases or the diseases in their incipient stages,  In my opinion, these should be signs and markers , used for much earlier diagnosis and detection of the onslaught of the coming of major system problems and life threatening diseases.  This would be so much more preventative, in establishing earlier, simpler, and so much less invasive means of treatment.  Why should we be so ‘late to the party’ with treatment.  Preventative treatment is so much wiser, and less severe and traumatic for us, than waiting for real problems to visibly surface. Thus needing us to resort to possible harmful near term drug relief with the long-term possibilities of even worse problems down the road.  Coenzyme Q 10 is believed to be sometimes stored in the gingival tissues gingival mucosal layers of the oral cavity.  Yeast (tongue, root structures on the teeth, and mucosal tissues), viruses, and bacteria such as spirochetes and streptococcus, all do not survive well in alkaline environment.  And thrive in an acidic environment.  Our job is to recognize the beginnings of systemic diseases.  We must identify and diagnose, by finding these markers,  (by observation, by clinical exams, blood panels, and swab cultures) so that we can treat and collaborate with other doctors, in all fields associated with the disease, and avoid the proliferation of such unnecessary diseases. We must try to avoid, having to have to treat, because of late diagnosis, with drug therapies, that can, down the road, create long term criteria, causing related or unrelated, problems or deficiencies, there by giving us other compromising health issues in the not so distant future.  This consideration and early diagnosis and prevention is way overdue.
The Oral cavity, along with the skin, the nasal area, ears, and eyes are all the entrance access ways for microorganisms to find their way into our bodies, and compete with us, their host, for nutrients, minerals, oxygen.  These pathogens/microorganisms, (yeast/bad bacteria/virus/parasites/fungus) deliver, through their ‘by products of this assimilation, toxins, and poisons, forcing our bodies to perform extra work, utilizing “NEEDED” energy in the form of ATP, to detoxify, and neutralize these poisons.  Thus taking the energy we could be using to boost our immune systems.  Energy needed to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate our cells.  Without this ‘extra work’, I believe we would have greater overall energy, stamina, vitality, stronger immunity and better overall emotional, mental, and physical health!   If in fact we were able to reduce or stop this proliferation of  ‘parasitic competitors/predators’ that are ‘waging war against us’ (these living microorganisms), I believe we would bring health and healthcare to a place of true healing and prevention.  This is only common sense.  It is beyond me, how history has separated the oral cavity from systemic diseases and created a separation into two medical professions…one of Dental Medicine, wrongly referred to as Dentistry or Dentists. Oral Medicine is the beginning, in my opinion of so many, if not all disease  If you consider this concept for just a moment, that the more competing microorganisms that are allowed to proliferate in our bodies, the more ‘soldiers’ the other side have to win the war…which is ultimately Heart Disease, Cancer, Auto Immune Diseases, and ‘quickening’ of Old Age.  I think, not only is the medical profession is suffering, but of course, the general public, far more than anyone can imagine.  Early diagnosis and preventative assessment, in my “Expansive Medicine” approach, can be achieved utilizing the oral cavity and systemic connection link, combined together with my “Expansive Medicine treatment, diagnostic and nutritional path. Thus giving us 5, 10, maybe 15 years prior notice to naturally treat you, before a serious problem begins systemically, and is now to late!  It is actually quite simple. Dental/Oral Medicine is the beginning of preventive medicine.  Unfortunately brushing and flossing and antibiotic therapy has not satisfied the detoxification of the Oral cavity, thus the human body.  Antibiotic therapy in the Oral Cavity has produced no real significant results, and is dangerous in some ways to our immune system. I will, in my coming Bogs and Videos, explain my methods to win the ‘war within us’.
This is just a small part of the future of medicine which I call “Expansive Medicine” .  Mastication, the beginning, is our bodies form of ‘juicing’ or carefully, with the proper temperature to protect the nutrients, extracting from raw fruits and vegetables, into an edible, ‘easily’ digestible product, requiring minimal ATP energy,  thus assisting in a better more EFFICIENT processing mechanism by the human body. Before this process, we have the oral enzymes secreted by the parotid gland the salivary glands where the breakdown of protein carbohydrates and starches begin. We will continue, but first, remember it’s all about our ‘choices’ … be reasonable, and love your ‘body’ …protect your God given right for wonderful health…Fight so called ‘Genetic Excuse’ substituted for lack of knowledge and the lack of compliance …don’t be lazy! Knowledge is Power…knowledge is health….don’t be fooled by ulterior motives…to be continued ! Dr. Craig Brown’s Holistic Health/Expansive Holistic Health/ Holistic Health Social Network/ Expansive Medicine…Expanding Our Health and Longevity…Expanding Wellness and Medicine Naturally


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