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Women and Men Testosterone Alert!

WOMEN ALERT: Testosterone is just as important in women as it is in men for not only health and longevity, but for quality of life.  Phathalates are chemicals found in bottles, hair and wash products, creams and many other products or “additives” that have remained “unlabeled”, then of course the public has also remained unaware. Phathalates have been shown to reduce testosterone levels in recent and not so recent studies to an undesirable degree.

With that said, Dr Craig Brown’s Expansive Medicine Diet and Lifestyles will not only address this fast growing issue, but try to take it out the equation needed for optimal health and longevity, as well as just plainly speaking, enjoying a much more physically and sexually vital active life.  It is important to note, that keeping androgen (hormonal levels) maintenance levels can also effect mental and emotional disturbances in both men and women alike.~ Dr. Craig Brown, Expansive Medicine (Expansive (W)Holistic Health Lifestyles) email us at DrCaigBrown@DrCraigBrown.com  1-888-490-9898 for more information and future events.

Phthalates Linked to Testosterone Reductions in Both Genders

Nancy A. Melville

August 19, 2014

The authors (below) underscore that previous research evaluating the effects of phthalates on testosterone in women is especially scarce, despite the importance of testosterone for women as well as men.

“The novel findings presented here for reduced testosterone among women may be of high public-health significance, because androgen deficiency among women may impair sexual function, libido, energy, cognitive functions, bone density, cardiovascular function, and overall well-being,” they write.

Dr. Meeker said it is not easy to fully understand the clinical implications of the work, however. “Because our study was conducted on the population level, it is difficult to interpret how our findings might affect the individual, and some individuals may be more susceptible than others,” he said.

“Things are also complicated by the fact that most products that contain phthalates aren’t labeled as such, making it very difficult for clinicians to be able to make sound recommendations for patients to avoid or reduce exposure.”

For full article: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/830137?nlid=63583_2841&src=wnl_edit_dail&uac=%%uac%%#2Carrots Man Woman

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Come visit our Expansive Holistic Health Conference on November 2nd and 3rd in magnificent Delray Beach, Florida at the Crest Theater, (20 minutes North of the Ft Lauderdale airport), for important instructions, information, and recipes showing  how to use your Food Dehydrator to maximize your health and happiness.
