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Robin Williams, Dr. Craig Brown, Expansive Medicine “The First Time I Met Robin Williams Was a Blessing in Disguise”

I have been blessed many times in my life, but today I more distinctly recall one of those very days…the day I met Robin Williams . I was walking up 1st ave one beautiful spring evening in Manhattan, NYC along with someone I was dating. She was a talented actress/dancer, when from out of seemingly nowhere, at the speed of light, someone literally threw themselves playfully at us and started “back stepping” in front of us, as so we would not get away. Remember we were in NYC, the city where anything can happen, and it did, for I would never ever forget that night. The “blaze” in front of us, was Robin Williams. He was already well known, and had energy and aura like no other. He apparently knew the young lady I was with, a talented red headed beauty, from San Francisco, both University and Julliard here in NYC. We were all talking together, a mile a minute, laughing, giggling, and so happy to be in that very place on 1st and 78th street.
Springtime in Manhattan is like no other, for we all wait so very long for it to arrive. We all fight back each and every rainy day, snow and slush, trying to hail an unstopping cab at rush hour. We all wait for that first spring evening. The streets are filled with smiles, and exploration. The first of it’s kind in a year was not only a gift, but a needed dose or vaccine as it may be for the coming beauty of spring/summer ahead. That evening I had the extreme gift of realizing what God’s gift of our springtime, and earthly enlightenment(s) along together mixed with the ultimate gift of health, the gift of laughter.
Robin Williams, by far the most gifted of all “healers” with laughter, gave so very much; so much that I think it is hard for all of us to fathom just what impression his genius, his ability, and his wanting to “heal” us of all that makes us sad…all that needs healing.
Robin literally grabbed the two of us by the hands and ran us into this small but famous comedy club in NYC. He insisted we come and join him. He brought a table from the back of the small cafe-like room, and then two wooden seats, and put them almost on the very front of the stage, ordered us drinks and disappeared….

Until the small curtain parted. There stood Richard Belzer, the host and regular at the club…introduced…..Robin Williams….the two great comedians together, using improv and props (we became to our surprise some of the props lol) like no other in the world. This night, this wonderful man, this gift to all of humanity, like few others before, inspired me to realize, to truly understand my path of “anti-disease” and “anti-aging” …HOW VERY IMPORTANT LAUGHTER IS TO HEALING…how so very important, in even the very life threatening of diseases.

Robin Williams was a healer sent to us from heaven, there can be no mistake about that. The joy and happiness he unselfishly gave to all of us, friends, family, and the world as his audience. Along with greatness, being blessed, and responsibility, I believe he was on a mission. With such a blessed mission comes things that many of us can not begin to understand, but what i do understand is he was a blessing to so many, if not all of us….and his work, and memory…his healing and happiness to us all will live on and on….that evening, i laughed harder than I have ever since…
That evening I made laughter, one of my Expansive Medicine protocols, and it is blissfully weaved into each and every one of my 12 Steps…laughter, the kind that Robin has given us, the kind we have been allowed to experience through him, and those like him is a form of healing that can only come from heaven, from God …his work will live on through many of us who truly care…thank you God, and thank you Robin Williams…heaven has become an even happier place since you have arrived. We all here at Expansive Medicine will never forget what you have taught us, …the gift of laughter and well being…thank you, thank you for allowing me to see so much that evening we met…it has never been forgotten…Dr Craig Brown, Expansive MedicineRobin Willians Star

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Robin Williams, boisterous comedy star, dead at 63 “The First Time I Met Robin Williams Was a Blessing in Disguise”

I have been blessed many times in my life, but today I more distinctly recall one of those very days…the day I met Robin Williams . I was walking up 1st ave one beautiful spring evening in Manhattan, NYC along with someone I was dating. She was a talented actress/dancer, when from out of seemingly nowhere, at the speed of light, someone literally threw themselves playfully at us and started “back stepping” in front of us, as so we would not get away. Remember we were in NYC, the city where anything can happen, and it did, for I would never ever forget that night. The “blaze” in front of us, was Robin Williams. He was already well known, and had energy and aura like no other. He apparently knew the young lady I was with, a talented red headed beauty, from San Francisco, both University and Julliard here in NYC. We were all talking together, a mile a minute, laughing, giggling, and so happy to be in that very place on 1st and 78th street.
Springtime in Manhattan is like no other, for we all wait so very long for it to arrive. We all fight back each and every rainy day, snow and slush, trying to hail an unstopping cab at rush hour. We all wait for that first spring evening. The streets are filled with smiles, and exploration. The first of it’s kind in a year was not only a gift, but a needed dose or vaccine as it may be for the coming beauty of spring/summer ahead. That evening I had the extreme gift of realizing what God’s gift of our springtime, and earthly enlightenment(s) along together mixed with the ultimate gift of health, the gift of laughter.
Robin Williams, by far the most gifted of all “healers” with laughter, gave so very much; so much that I think it is hard for all of us to fathom just what impression his genius, his ability, and his wanting to “heal” us of all that makes us sad…all that needs healing.
Robin literally grabbed the two of us by the hands and ran us into this small but famous comedy club in NYC. He insisted we come and join him. He brought a table from the back of the small cafe-like room, and then two wooden seats, and put them almost on the very front of the stage, ordered us drinks and disappeared….

Until the small curtain parted. There stood Richard Belzer, the host and regular at the club…introduced…..Robin Williams….the two great comedians together, using improv and props (we became to our surprise some of the props lol) like no other in the world. This night, this wonderful man, this gift to all of humanity, like few others before, inspired me to realize, to truly understand my path of “anti-disease” and “anti-aging” …HOW VERY IMPORTANT LAUGHTER IS TO HEALING…how so very important, in even the very life threatening of diseases.

Robin Williams was a healer sent to us from heaven, there can be no mistake about that. The joy and happiness he unselfishly gave to all of us, friends, family, and the world as his audience. Along with greatness, being blessed, and responsibility, I believe he was on a mission. With such a blessed mission comes things that many of us can not begin to understand, but what i do understand is he was a blessing to so many, if not all of us….and his work, and memory…his healing and happiness to us all will live on and on….that evening, i laughed harder than I have ever since…
That evening I made laughter, one of my Expansive Medicine protocols, and it is blissfully weaved into each and every one of my 12 Steps…laughter, the kind that Robin has given us, the kind we have been allowed to experience through him, and those like him is a form of healing that can only come from heaven, from God …his work will live on through many of us who truly care…thank you God, and thank you Robin Williams…heaven has become an even happier place since you have arrived. We all here at Expansive Medicine will never forget what you have taught us, …the gift of laughter and well being…thank you, thank you for allowing me to see so much that evening we met…it has never been forgotten…Dr Craig Brown, Expansive MedicineRobin Willians Star

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Probiotics, Bacteria, Health and Wellness, Dr Craig Brown, Expanding Medicine-Corporate and Personal Wellness

Holistic Health Social Network

Dr Craig Brown CEO,  Expansive Holistic Health/Expansive Medicine

Autism is not always represented to its full extent today. The key defining ‘manifestations’ of this “disease” ( and I call it a disease , because , as I have been stating for some time now, and as this study may represent on some level, a possible bacterial ( or other micro-organism proliferating in our body, maybe in our gut ( another study today came out of the ‘closet’ and stated anti acids and stomach medications may cause vitamin deficiencies ( which can in turn hurt our immune system or ability to fight off infection)
The following study, state that ‘good bacteria, that helps fight “bad” bacteria ( just to point out other recent studies I can quote for you, (just write me at DrCraigBrown@DrCraigBrown.com) show how different micro organisms can “help each other live in your body in synergy and hurt you and your immune system in the process.
Please, read the article below, and let me help you understand how all of this ties together. Come to me seminars, retreats, and conferences, and let me show you how to understand and circumvent some of the dangerous outcomes of not being in “homeostasis”. Join me, and learn Expansive Wholistic Health path to my 21th Century Survival Kit. we are starting to predict for the first time there is a chance that our child will not out live us…learn why, and what you can do…write me at DrCraigBrown@DrCraigBrown.com, once we reach our quota, we will set up a ‘meet’ for all of our interested friends looking for answers on how to be Your Super-You! Dr Craig Brown, Expansive (W)Holistic Health, Tomorrow’s Answer For Health, Wealth, and Happiness …Today!
Probiotic Therapy Alleviates Autism-like Behaviors in Mice Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is diagnosed when individuals exhibit characteristic behaviors that include repetitive actions, decreased social interactions, and impaired communication. Curiously, many individuals with ASD also suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) issues, such as abdominal cramps and constipation.Using the co-occurrence of brain and gut problems in ASD as their guide, researchers at the California Institute Technology (Caltech) are investigating a potentially transformative new therapy for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.The gut microbiota—the community of bacteria that populate the human GI tract—previously has been shown to influence social and emotional behavior, but the Caltech research, published online in the December 5 issue of the journal Cell, is the first to demonstrate that changes in these gut bacteria can influence autism-like behaviors in a mouse model.”Traditional research has studied autism as a genetic disorder and a disorder of the brain, but our work shows that gut bacteria may contribute to ASD-like symptoms in ways that were previously unappreciated,” says Professor of Biology Sarkis K. Mazmanian. “Gut physiology appears to have effects on what are currently presumed to be brain functions.”To study this gut–microbiota–brain interaction, the researchers used a mouse model of autism previously developed at Caltech in the laboratory of Paul H. Patterson, the Anne P. and Benjamin F. Biaggini Professor of Biological Sciences. In humans, having a severe viral infection raises the risk that a pregnant woman will give birth to a child with autism. Patterson and his lab reproduced the effect in mice using a viral mimic that triggers an infection-like immune response in the mother and produces the core behavioral symptoms associated with autism in the offspring.

In the new Cell study, Mazmanian, Patterson, and their colleagues found that the “autistic” offspring of immune-activated pregnant mice also exhibited GI abnormalities. In particular, the GI tracts of autistic-like mice were “leaky,” which means that they allow material to pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. This characteristic, known as intestinal permeability, has been reported in some autistic individuals. “To our knowledge, this is the first report of an animal model for autism with comorbid GI dysfunction,” says Elaine Hsiao, a senior research fellow at Caltech and the first author on the study.

To see whether these GI symptoms actually influenced the autism-like behaviors, the researchers treated the mice with Bacteroides fragilis, a bacterium that has been used as an experimental probiotic therapy in animal models of GI disorders.

The result? The leaky gut was corrected.

In addition, observations of the treated mice showed that their behavior had changed. In particular, they were more likely to communicate with other mice, had reduced anxiety, and were less likely to engage in a repetitive digging behavior.

“The B. fragilis treatment alleviates GI problems in the mouse model and also improves some of the main behavioral symptoms,” Hsiao says. “This suggests that GI problems could contribute to particular symptoms in neurodevelopmental disorders.”

With the help of clinical collaborators, the researchers are now planning a trial to test the probiotic treatment on the behavioral symptoms of human autism. The trial should begin within the next year or two, says Patterson.

“This probiotic treatment is postnatal, which means that the mother has already experienced the immune challenge, and, as a result, the growing fetuses have already started down a different developmental path,” Patterson says. “In this study, we can provide a treatment after the offspring have been born that can help improve certain behaviors. I think that’s a powerful part of the story.”

The researchers stress that much work is still needed to develop an effective and reliable probiotic therapy for human autism—in part because there are both genetic and environmental contributions to the disorder, and because the immune-challenged mother in the mouse model reproduces only the environmental component.

“Autism is such a heterogeneous disorder that the ratio between genetic and environmental contributions could be different in each individual,” Mazmanian says. “Even if B. fragilis ameliorates some of the symptoms associated with autism, I would be surprised if it’s a universal therapy—it probably won’t work for every single case.”

The Caltech team proposes that particular beneficial bugs are intimately involved in regulating the release of metabolic products (or metabolites) from the gut into the bloodstream. Indeed, the researchers found that in the leaky intestinal wall of the autistic-like mice, certain metabolites that were modulated by microbes could both easily enter the circulation and affect particular behaviors.

“I think our results may someday transform the way people view possible causes and potential treatments for autism,” Mazmanian says.

Along with Patterson, Hsiao, and Mazmanian, additional Caltech coauthors on the paper, “Microbiota Modulate Behavioral and Physiological Abnormalities Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders,” are Sara McBride, Sophia Hsien, Gil Sharon, Julian A. Codelli, Janet Chow, and Sarah E. Reisman. The work was supported by a Caltech Innovation Initiative grant, an Autism Speaks Weatherstone Fellowship, a National Institutes of Health/National Research Service Award Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Fellowship, a Human Frontiers Science Program Fellowship, a Department Of Defense Graduate Fellowship, a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, an Autism Speaks Trailblazer Award, a Caltech Grubstake award, a Congressionally Directed Medical Research Award, a Weston Havens Foundation Award, several Callie McGrath Charitable Foundation awards, and the National Institute of Mental Health.
Written by Jessica Stoller-Conrad
– See more at: http://www.caltech.edu/content/probiotic-therapy-alleviates-autism-behaviors-mice#sthash.JzOYNLL5.dpuf

Photo: NOT ONLY AUTISM...ONLY THE OBVIOUS...READ MORE, READ MUCH MORE ...<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    Autism is not always represented to its full extent today.  The key defining 'manifestations' of this "disease" ( and I call it a disease , because , as I have been stating for some time now, and as this study may represent on some level, a possible bacterial ( or other micro-organism proliferating in our body, maybe in our gut ( another study today came out of the 'closet' and stated anti acids and stomach medications may cause vitamin deficiencies ( which can in turn hurt our immune system or ability to fight off infection)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
The following study, state that 'good bacteria, that helps fight "bad" bacteria ( just to point out other recent studies I can quote for you, (just write me at DrCraigBrown@DrCraigBrown.com) show how different micro organisms can "help each other live in your body in synergy and hurt you and your immune system in the process.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Please, read the article below, and let me help you understand how all of this ties together. Come to me seminars, retreats, and conferences, and let me show you how to understand and circumvent some of the dangerous outcomes of not being in "homeostasis". Join me, and learn Expansive Wholistic Health path to my 21th Century Survival Kit. we are starting to predict for the first time there is a chance that our child will not out live us...learn why, and what you can do...write me at DrCraigBrown@DrCraigBrown.com, once we reach our quota, we will set up a 'meet' for all of our interested friends looking for answers on how to be Your Super-You! Dr Craig Brown, Expansive Wholistic Health, Tomorrow's Answer For Health, Wealth, and Happiness ...Today!</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>12/05/2013<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Probiotic Therapy Alleviates Autism-like Behaviors in Mice</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is diagnosed when individuals exhibit characteristic behaviors that include repetitive actions, decreased social interactions, and impaired communication. Curiously, many individuals with ASD also suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) issues, such as abdominal cramps and constipation.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Using the co-occurrence of brain and gut problems in ASD as their guide, researchers at the California Institute Technology (Caltech) are investigating a potentially transformative new therapy for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>The gut microbiota—the community of bacteria that populate the human GI tract—previously has been shown to influence social and emotional behavior, but the Caltech research, published online in the December 5 issue of the journal Cell, is the first to demonstrate that changes in these gut bacteria can influence autism-like behaviors in a mouse model.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>"Traditional research has studied autism as a genetic disorder and a disorder of the brain, but our work shows that gut bacteria may contribute to ASD-like symptoms in ways that were previously unappreciated," says Professor of Biology Sarkis K. Mazmanian. "Gut physiology appears to have effects on what are currently presumed to be brain functions."</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>To study this gut–microbiota–brain interaction, the researchers used a mouse model of autism previously developed at Caltech in the laboratory of Paul H. Patterson, the Anne P. and Benjamin F. Biaggini Professor of Biological Sciences. In humans, having a severe viral infection raises the risk that a pregnant woman will give birth to a child with autism. Patterson and his lab reproduced the effect in mice using a viral mimic that triggers an infection-like immune response in the mother and produces the core behavioral symptoms associated with autism in the offspring.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>In the new Cell study, Mazmanian, Patterson, and their colleagues found that the "autistic" offspring of immune-activated pregnant mice also exhibited GI abnormalities. In particular, the GI tracts of autistic-like mice were "leaky," which means that they allow material to pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. This characteristic, known as intestinal permeability, has been reported in some autistic individuals. "To our knowledge, this is the first report of an animal model for autism with comorbid GI dysfunction," says Elaine Hsiao, a senior research fellow at Caltech and the first author on the study.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>To see whether these GI symptoms actually influenced the autism-like behaviors, the researchers treated the mice with Bacteroides fragilis, a bacterium that has been used as an experimental probiotic therapy in animal models of GI disorders.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>The result? The leaky gut was corrected.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>In addition, observations of the treated mice showed that their behavior had changed. In particular, they were more likely to communicate with other mice, had reduced anxiety, and were less likely to engage in a repetitive digging behavior.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>"The B. fragilis treatment alleviates GI problems in the mouse model and also improves some of the main behavioral symptoms," Hsiao says. "This suggests that GI problems could contribute to particular symptoms in neurodevelopmental disorders."</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>With the help of clinical collaborators, the researchers are now planning a trial to test the probiotic treatment on the behavioral symptoms of human autism. The trial should begin within the next year or two, says Patterson.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>"This probiotic treatment is postnatal, which means that the mother has already experienced the immune challenge, and, as a result, the growing fetuses have already started down a different developmental path," Patterson says. "In this study, we can provide a treatment after the offspring have been born that can help improve certain behaviors. I think that's a powerful part of the story."</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>The researchers stress that much work is still needed to develop an effective and reliable probiotic therapy for human autism—in part because there are both genetic and environmental contributions to the disorder, and because the immune-challenged mother in the mouse model reproduces only the environmental component.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>"Autism is such a heterogeneous disorder that the ratio between genetic and environmental contributions could be different in each individual," Mazmanian says. "Even if B. fragilis ameliorates some of the symptoms associated with autism, I would be surprised if it's a universal therapy—it probably won't work for every single case."</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>The Caltech team proposes that particular beneficial bugs are intimately involved in regulating the release of metabolic products (or metabolites) from the gut into the bloodstream. Indeed, the researchers found that in the leaky intestinal wall of the autistic-like mice, certain metabolites that were modulated by microbes could both easily enter the circulation and affect particular behaviors.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>"I think our results may someday transform the way people view possible causes and potential treatments for autism," Mazmanian says.</p><br /><br /><br /><br />
<p>Along with Patterson, Hsiao, and Mazmanian, additional Caltech coauthors on the paper, "Microbiota Modulate Behavioral and Physiological Abnormalities Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders," are Sara McBride, Sophia Hsien, Gil Sharon, Julian A. Codelli, Janet Chow, and Sarah E. Reisman. The work was supported by a Caltech Innovation Initiative grant, an Autism Speaks Weatherstone Fellowship, a National Institutes of Health/National Research Service Award Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Fellowship, a Human Frontiers Science Program Fellowship, a Department Of Defense Graduate Fellowship, a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, an Autism Speaks Trailblazer Award, a Caltech Grubstake award, a Congressionally Directed Medical Research Award, a Weston Havens Foundation Award, several Callie McGrath Charitable Foundation awards, and the National Institute of Mental Health.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Written by Jessica Stoller-Conrad<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
- See more at: http://www.caltech.edu/content/probiotic-therapy-alleviates-autism-behaviors-mice#sthash.JzOYNLL5.dpuf
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The Oral Systemic Connection: The Mouth and Body Connection: Bacteria, Yeast, Candida, Virus, Parasites, Fungus

The link between the oral cavity and systemic diseases is usually in the hands of the Doctors of Dental and Oral Medicine.  Actinomycosis and Candida Albucans (bacteria and yeast), Streptococcus Mutans , Lactobacillus, and spirochetes, (associated with Lyme disease, and syphilis (spirochetes) , both possibly all, share having damaging Cardiovascular effects ( the link for example of Periodontal Disease and Heart Disease ).

Dr Craig Brown's Holistic Health of Florida

Dr Craig brown’s Global Holistic Health
Email us at : DrCraigBrown@DrCraigBrown.com

All or some forms of bad bacteria, and pathogens are major offenders in the oral cavity and ‘markers’ of either existing systemic diseases or the diseases in their incipient stages,  In my opinion, these should be signs and markers , used for much earlier diagnosis and detection of the onslaught of the coming of major system problems and life threatening diseases.  This would be so much more preventative, in establishing earlier, simpler, and so much less invasive means of treatment.  Why should we be so ‘late to the party’ with treatment.  Preventative treatment is so much wiser, and less severe and traumatic for us, than waiting for real problems to visibly surface. Thus needing us to resort to possible harmful near term drug relief with the long-term possibilities of even worse problems down the road.  Coenzyme Q 10 is believed to be sometimes stored in the gingival tissues gingival mucosal layers of the oral cavity.  Yeast (tongue, root structures on the teeth, and mucosal tissues), viruses, and bacteria such as spirochetes and streptococcus, all do not survive well in alkaline environment.  And thrive in an acidic environment.  Our job is to recognize the beginnings of systemic diseases.  We must identify and diagnose, by finding these markers,  (by observation, by clinical exams, blood panels, and swab cultures) so that we can treat and collaborate with other doctors, in all fields associated with the disease, and avoid the proliferation of such unnecessary diseases. We must try to avoid, having to have to treat, because of late diagnosis, with drug therapies, that can, down the road, create long term criteria, causing related or unrelated, problems or deficiencies, there by giving us other compromising health issues in the not so distant future.  This consideration and early diagnosis and prevention is way overdue.
The Oral cavity, along with the skin, the nasal area, ears, and eyes are all the entrance access ways for microorganisms to find their way into our bodies, and compete with us, their host, for nutrients, minerals, oxygen.  These pathogens/microorganisms, (yeast/bad bacteria/virus/parasites/fungus) deliver, through their ‘by products of this assimilation, toxins, and poisons, forcing our bodies to perform extra work, utilizing “NEEDED” energy in the form of ATP, to detoxify, and neutralize these poisons.  Thus taking the energy we could be using to boost our immune systems.  Energy needed to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate our cells.  Without this ‘extra work’, I believe we would have greater overall energy, stamina, vitality, stronger immunity and better overall emotional, mental, and physical health!   If in fact we were able to reduce or stop this proliferation of  ‘parasitic competitors/predators’ that are ‘waging war against us’ (these living microorganisms), I believe we would bring health and healthcare to a place of true healing and prevention.  This is only common sense.  It is beyond me, how history has separated the oral cavity from systemic diseases and created a separation into two medical professions…one of Dental Medicine, wrongly referred to as Dentistry or Dentists. Oral Medicine is the beginning, in my opinion of so many, if not all disease  If you consider this concept for just a moment, that the more competing microorganisms that are allowed to proliferate in our bodies, the more ‘soldiers’ the other side have to win the war…which is ultimately Heart Disease, Cancer, Auto Immune Diseases, and ‘quickening’ of Old Age.  I think, not only is the medical profession is suffering, but of course, the general public, far more than anyone can imagine.  Early diagnosis and preventative assessment, in my “Expansive Medicine” approach, can be achieved utilizing the oral cavity and systemic connection link, combined together with my “Expansive Medicine treatment, diagnostic and nutritional path. Thus giving us 5, 10, maybe 15 years prior notice to naturally treat you, before a serious problem begins systemically, and is now to late!  It is actually quite simple. Dental/Oral Medicine is the beginning of preventive medicine.  Unfortunately brushing and flossing and antibiotic therapy has not satisfied the detoxification of the Oral cavity, thus the human body.  Antibiotic therapy in the Oral Cavity has produced no real significant results, and is dangerous in some ways to our immune system. I will, in my coming Bogs and Videos, explain my methods to win the ‘war within us’.
This is just a small part of the future of medicine which I call “Expansive Medicine” .  Mastication, the beginning, is our bodies form of ‘juicing’ or carefully, with the proper temperature to protect the nutrients, extracting from raw fruits and vegetables, into an edible, ‘easily’ digestible product, requiring minimal ATP energy,  thus assisting in a better more EFFICIENT processing mechanism by the human body. Before this process, we have the oral enzymes secreted by the parotid gland the salivary glands where the breakdown of protein carbohydrates and starches begin. We will continue, but first, remember it’s all about our ‘choices’ … be reasonable, and love your ‘body’ …protect your God given right for wonderful health…Fight so called ‘Genetic Excuse’ substituted for lack of knowledge and the lack of compliance …don’t be lazy! Knowledge is Power…knowledge is health….don’t be fooled by ulterior motives…to be continued ! Dr. Craig Brown’s Holistic Health/Expansive Holistic Health/ Holistic Health Social Network/ Expansive Medicine…Expanding Our Health and Longevity…Expanding Wellness and Medicine Naturally


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Enagic Kangen Water Ionizers Machine and Water Filters and Machines


Dr. Craig Brown Expansive Medicine

What we offer that is different and beneficial to our Purchasers and Distributors of Enagic ( Kangen) Water Ionizer Machines:

1) Dr. Craig Brown’s ( Doctor’s ) endorsement and support for you and you future clients. Please call if any questions on how we will help you spreading the word of better lifestyles through Expansive Wholistic Health!

2) Training programs for sale and usage if necessary

3) Certification Certificates for “distinguished distributors”  (call for requirements)

Purchase today under user or distributor at  www.DrCSBrown.com  or call 1-888-490-9898

Preface by Dr Craig Brown:

Water Ionizer: The only water I will drink is presented here. 1) It has an amazing amount of antioxidants ( Extremely High Negative ORP ratings, like drinking 7 glasses of green tea per one glass of water ), 2) The water molecule, after the ionization process, is HEXAGONAL not pentagonal, delivering better absorption of our vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, and much better, in my opinion, hydration. 3) it has three different Alkaline settings, and lastly 4) A filtration system that I can believe in. All the claims and purity have been supported by the Japanese equivalent of the FDA. ***”France best, US worst in preventable death ranking | Reuters”

Jan 8, 2008 … WASHINGTON, Jan 8 (Reuters) – France, ***Japan and Australia rated best and the United States worst in new rankings focusing on preventable deaths due to treatable …
On measures such as child mortality and life expectancy, the U.S. has slipped since the 2000 rankings. But some researchers say that factors beyond the control of the health-care system are to blame, such as dietary habits.

“the U.S. slipped from 18th to 24th in male life expectancy from 2000 to 2009, according to the United Nations, and from 28th to 35th in female life expectancy. Its rankings in preventing male and female under-5 mortality also fell, and placed in the 30s.” (Ill-Conceived Ranking Makes for Unhealthy Debate by Carl Bialik)

Purchase today under user or distributor at  www.DrCSBrown.com  or call 1-888-490-9898

My Story: Dr Craig Brown

Several years ago, a time I do not really enjoy remembering. Although, I have always truly believed, ‘what does not kill ya’, makes you stronger’ . I have found, through the years, that expressions of old, have had a great amount of underlying truth, if experienced with the proper desire to survive, grow and prosper. I was very fortunate to be raised by two loving parents who instilled in me the inner strength and belief in ‘myself’ . I have had, in my life two or three, what I consider either near death, or debilitating times in my life. Possible life changing experiences, that may not have had the positive outcomes in my life , that they did, if it were not for my desire to ‘thrive’ ….to ‘live’ .
Whenever tragedy has come into my life, or anyone close to me, I have triumphed, because of faith, and the unrelenting passion I possess, for having a ‘good, no great quality of life’ ahead for me, giving me the ability to find ‘the answer’. I search, I investigate, I research, and I open myself up. And most of all, I trust and believe, that I am not alone in this world, and in the goodness that brought us all here, together, has also given us the answers. If we have the passion and strength to not only find the answers, ( they usually find us, if we are open) but to have utmost discipline, fortitude, and compliance to implement and believe, in them. Yes, believe that you, are finding the way to move pass this ‘obstacle’ and jump forward to the next level. A wiser, clearer, healthier, (both mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually) more productive place…. a more passionate existence.
One of these major ‘obstacles’ , a few years ago, was when I started experiencing severe chest pains. So severe that I was literally incapacitated. Absolutely debilitating. For those who know me personally, know I started studying/teaching Mixed Martial Arts since I was 5 years old. I was weight lifting and very athletic since I was very young , and stay just as active or more so, to date. So this was quite to the contrary of my lifestyle. Ruling out heart trouble , I immediately realized it was a gastric problem. Either severe gastritis, Hiatal Hernia of the esophagus, reflux, GERD or all the above. I was getting a maximum of two hours of sleep a day, and not able to eat my usual food regime (or much at all), which was the so-called Mediterranean Diet…which is thought to be the diet of choice today. ( I do not feel this is true anymore since the development of The Expansive Medicine Diet ).
This went on for three months…. severe pain literally 22 hours a day, afraid to venture out of the house, in the fear I would be buckled over in pain, and not make it back. I tried everything I knew of, at the time ( at that time, I was considered a Holistic/Integrated/Alternative doctor ( I now feel my “Expansive Medicine” TM is far more beneficial, and only refer to myself as such). I went to a colleague , a Gastroenterologist, ( who also had Reflux and Painful GERD, and he has been on PPI and Acid reducers in combination, himself, for 3 years. wow !!!..Google that…these medications long term, alone or together, increase your colon cancer exposure by a maddening percentage) after trying Acupuncture, Eastern Medicine (herbs etc), Visceral Manipulation, Hands on Healing, Reiki, Craniosacral healing, all heart felt, and wellness alternatives (all either alone or together had no true benefit for me condition at this point), who put me on his medications….you can imagine how desperate I must have been.
The outcome of the medications, only made the pain and frequency worse after a short period of time of usage. By a chance meeting, (funny how things happen, and we are sometimes drawn to our solutions, so keep an open mind, for sometimes it comes when you least expect it) I was introduced to the High Anti Oxidant/Hexagonal Configured, Alkaline water I am referring to today.
My story….I drank PH 8.5 for 4 days (24 glasses a day), my pain immediately went from 22 hours a days, to twice a day, each lasting 3 minutes…yes still excruciating, but I thought, “well I can handle this” …the next 4 days I drank (24 glasses a day) of Alkaline 9.0 ( please know that the Alkaline is NOT the most important part of this water, the Alkaline is only 1 of the 3 NECESSARY properties ! ) for 4 more days, and my pain when to once a day for 3 minutes. Four days later, 9.5, 24 glasses a day…my pain was 3 times a week, for 3 minutes. A few things to note…I do not recommend increasing the PH as fast as I did, it could make you detoxify to quickly and make you feel ill. So 1-2 weeks without raising to the next level is recommended. I recommend this water unit, and only thus far this particular water unit, for a couple of very important reasons.

To date, this machine is the only water machine on the market that is endorsed and reviewed by the equivalent of the Japanese FDA …the titanium  ( which coming from my Implant background, schooled in both medical material usage for Hip Implants and Oral Implants) is deemed to be the highest grade available…so important in my surgical experience for bio compatibility) …. Japan is usually ranked in the top 3 in healthcare in the world…USA is ranked usually between 24th and 37th . And it worked/works for me…I have not ever drank anything but this water, except freeze properly squeezed juices in years…not even when dining out.
I now, as my research has evolved, have a 12 Step Program for many kinds of conditions, and the water is only one part…but in my opinion and my own experience, a MAJOR part…a necessary part for quicker relief and detoxification. To learn the other 11 Steps of my Expansive Medicine protocol, stay turned to my site, get involved with my site..walk in my shoes…join me to walk the ’12 Steps to The Place’ of Expansive Medicine…you will not be sorry you did, Dr Craig Brown’s Expansive Medicine.

Purchase today under user or distributor at  www.DrCSBrown.com  or call 1-888-490-9898

Important Information and Testimonials
From The World’s Most Learned, Honored, Admired and Distinguished People Among US!

The News Record – Bottled water does not have any advantage over tap http://www.newsrecord.org/home/index.cfm?event=displayArticlePrinter
1 of 2 11/8/2007 4:54 PM
Bottled water does not have any advantage over tap
Cincinnati tap water tested more often and has less harmful

By: Harrison Kreimer
Posted: 11/7/07
It didn’t come as a surprise when in 2004 the water in Coca-Cola’s Dasani bottled water brand was found to be
tap water taken from the municipal water supply. More recently, Pepsi’s Aquafina brand also admitted to the
same act and, as of July 27, has printed the words “Public Water Source” on every one of their bottles. When a
glass of water from the tap is nearly free, why do consumers insist on draining their savings, spending roughly
$15 billion a year, according to CNN, for water in a plastic package?
Has tap water become too low-brow for most Americans? Have we reached the point where we will only drink
something sold to us by a marketing team? Or are we afraid of the municipal water system that kept us and our
ancestors hydrated for generations?
In the United States, bottled water is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, while water from the
tap is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency. Last year, the FDA was forced to order a recall of
Wegmans’ Feel Good About Spring Water, when it was found to contain dangerously high concentrations of the
cancer-causing chemical, bromate. In 2004, bottles of Dasani in the United Kingdom were also found to have
bromate contamination. Just as important as what is in bottled water is what is not.
“Kids are getting cavities again from drinking bottled water,” said David Richardson, the supervisor of water
customer service for Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW). According to the GCWW web site, people
who drink fluoridated water have roughly half of the number of cavities as people who drink water without
fluoride, and bottled water may not contain fluoride, as many filtration devices remove fluoride from the water.
As of 1970, state law requires tap water to contain fluoride, while bottled water is not. People are paying more
for less.
Richardson said the cost of 750 gallons of water from the GCWW is $1.39. The price of 750 gallons of bottled
water can be as much as $4,800.
Some people are afraid that tap water may not be safe. According to the GCWW web site, Cincinnati’s tap water
is tested 300 times per day to make sure it meets federal, state and local requirements for safety. “We do above
and beyond all those,” said Richardson. “The biggest new thing that we do is UV treatment. It disinfects
chloride-resistant microbes. We use a carbon filter treatment. It was one of the first in the country. The Japanese
come, even to this day, to check [the GCWW treatment plants] out.” According to the FDA web site, bottled
water manufacturers are only required to test for cyanide, arsenic and many other harmful chemicals once a
On Dec. 1, San Francisco will no longer provide bottled water to city employees, instead opting for bottleless
alternatives, according to The San Francisco Chronicle. Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, said, “The
global consumption of bottled water was measured at 41 billion gallons in 2004, up 57 percent from the
previous five years. This consumption increase occurred despite the fact that bottled water often costs 240 to
10,000 times more than tap water.”
The News Record – Bottled water does not have any advantage over tap http://www.newsrecord.org/home/index.cfm?event=displayArticlePrinter
2 of 2 11/8/2007 4:54 PM

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Barak Obama’s Cardiologist Recommends Kangen

It is interesting to note that Barack Obama’s current
Cardiologist, Gerald Bresnahan, M.D., FACC, and
cardiologist to Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush, the
Queen of England and the Pope, is now recommending
Kangen Water.
Please read the following quote from Dr Bresnahan.
“We have understood the importance of alkalizing diets
for decades, but we have been unsuccessful in getting
our patients to eat a perfectly alkaline diet because we
cannot eat enough alkaline foods to keep our body
alkaline. Hundreds of thousands of our patients have seen
remarkable results from drinking Kangen medical-grade
drinking water®. We are doing our part in bringing this
technology to the medical community in the United States
because Kangen Water® is revolutionizing the health,
fitness and wellness of our nation. This is going to be a
great thing for everyone and will change the lives of
millions of people.”
– Gerald Bresnahan, M.D., FACC, and
Cardiologist to Presidents”
Dr. Gerald Bresnahan is a world renowned cardiologist
based out of Los Angeles. When his father died suddenly
at the age of 54 from heart disease, Dr. Bresnahan
dedicated his life to the prevention of the number one
cause of death in the U.S. The field of cardiology was a
natural fit for him as he excelled in Internal Medicine and
Cardiology at the Los Angeles County – USC Medical
Center as well as the Hospital of Good Samaritan which is
noted as one of the top medical centers in the country.
While at University of California, San Diego, he was
involved in developing the heart enzyme blood test still
used around the world today when doctors suspect a
heart attack in their patients. Dr. Bresnahan is arguably
the best in his field and has served as the on-call
cardiologist for presidents of the United States, the Pope,
the Queen of England and many visiting dignitaries in the
Los Angeles area. He currently resides in Playa Vista,
California with his wife, yLn, and is practicing as a clinical
cardiologist in Los Angeles. His other roles include
overseeing quality control at one of Los Angeles’ major
heart centers as well as serving as chairman of the
Cardio-Thoracic Committee which oversees all of

Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj

“I am a researcher. I have researched dehydration for the past 20 years. When I discovered that the solution to most of the disease conditions of our society is not a moneymaker, I decided to take my information to the public. My research revealed that unintentional dehydration produces stress, chronic pains and many degenerative diseases. Dry mouth is not the only sign of dehydration and waiting to get thirsty is wrong. Medicine has based its understanding that it is solid matter in the body that regulates all functions of the body. I have explained scientifically at the molecular level that it is water that regulates all functions of the body including functions of solid matter. 75% of our bodies are composed of water. The brain is 85% water. It is water that energizes and activates the solid matter. If you don’t take enough water, some functions of the body will suffer. Dehydration produces system disturbances. When I use the word water cure, I am referring to curing dehydration with water.”

~Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, Medical Doctor, Researcher (6)

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Dr. Hiromi Shinya, MD

Posted on May 28, 2012 in Blog, Doctor
Home » Blog » Dr. Hiromi Shinya, MD
Dr. Hiromi Shinya, MD

“It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy and clean colon is one of the most important precursors to good health and that the great majority of body ailments and diseases originate in an acidic and dirty colon. Water is essential for your health.”

“I have examined more than 300,000 people’s stomachs and intestines for 35 years and realize that our health depends largely on our dietary life. And from my experiences I would like to teach you healthy, dietary habits to help you enjoy your life!”
“It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy and clean colon is one of the most important precursors to good health and that the great majority of body ailments and diseases originate in an acidic and dirty colon. Water is essential for your health. Drinking “good water;” especially hard water which has much calcium and magnesium keeps your body at an optimal alkaline pH.”
“Kangen Water is alkaline rich water (ph 8-9), and is considered the very best drinking water because of its incomparable powers of hydration, detoxification, and anti-oxidation.”
~Dr. Hiromi Shinya, Leading Endocrinologist

Dr. Hiromi Shinya is Clinical Professor of Surgery at Albert Einstein Collage of Medicine and Chief of the Endoscopy Unit of Beth Israel Hospital in New York, as well as an advisor for Maeda Hospital and Hanzomon Gastrointestinal Clinic in Japan. A native of Japan, Dr. Shinya received his medical education both in Japan and in the United States. He is Japan’s most famous doctor and treats members of Japan’s royal family and top government officials. His practice in the United States also includes celebrities and Presidents. He is Vice Chairman of the Japanese Medical Association in the USA, and much in demand as a speaker internationally.
Shinya, MD is well known as the developer of the field of colonoscopic surgery (the Shinya Technique). He performed the first non-invasive colon surgery. Using his own invention of the colonoscope, he discovered the ability to both examine and operate on the colon without abdominal incision. In his book The Enzyme, which has sold two million copies in Japan, he extols the virtues of drinking alkaline ionized water, specifically, Kangen Water® produced only by the Enagic® devices. Dr. Shinya puts all his patients on Kangen Water® as part of his recommended diet.

Purchase today under user or distributor at  www.DrCSBrown.com  or call 1-888-490-9898

Dr. Otto Warburg

Dr. Otto Warburg in his lab at the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology in Berlin-Dahlem. 1960s.

“All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception.”

“Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline.”

~Dr. Otto Warburg, Chemist, Nobel Prize Winner (7)

“All disease is caused by auto-toxification (self-poisoning) due to acid accumulation in the body.”

“Now we depart from health in just the proportion to which we have allowed our alkalies to be dissipated by introduction of acid forming food in too great amount. It may seem strange to say that all disease is the same thing, no matter what its myriad modes of expression, but it is verily so.”

“It was said earlier that all we can do for disease is to stop creating this background of acid end-products of digestion and metabolism, and this is true, for if disease comes always and only from this acid collection, then it must be evident to anyone that the cure lies in the discontinuance of this accumulation.

“Pneumonia, erysipelas, typhoid fever, influenza, acute arthritis, colitis, hay fever, all subside when the body is fairly detoxicated and the diet so corrected as to stop this excessive formation of the acid end-products, simply because each was expressing the end-point of tolerance of toxins, and each was the means by which the body sought to unload this unwanted mass.”

“If the blood develops a more acidic condition, then these excess acidic wastes have to be deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity and their cells begin to die. Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming abnormal, these are called malignant. Malignant cells cannot respond to brain commands. They undergo a cellular division that is out of control. This is the beginning of cancer.”

~Dr. William Howard Hay, Surgeon, Developer of Hay Diet (8)

“Modern medicine treats these malignant cells as if they were bacteria and viruses, it uses chemotherapy, radiation and surgery to treat cancer. Yet none of these treatments will help very much if the environment of the body continues to remain acidic.”

“Drinking water that has a high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect, will help in preventing cancer. In Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to patients, and is considered a regular part of treatment.”

~Dr Keiichi Morishita, Director of the Ochanomizu Clinic in Japan and the Head of the International Natural Medicine Association (9)

“Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with acidity. It is no coincidence that many of our modern habits such as alcohol consumption, smoking, eating sugar, and stress, all tend to increase acidity. The only parts of our body that are supposed to be acidic are the contents of the stomach, the skin, and perspiration. Virtually everything else is supposed to be at least slightly alkaline.”

~Dr. Robert C. Atkins, Physician, Cardiologist (10)

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“There are more benefits to “alkaline water” than simply the alkalinity or pH. The most important feature of alkaline water produced by a water alkalizer is its oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Water with a high negative ORP is of particular value in its ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals. ORP can also be directly tested using an ORP sensor and meter. We have conducted these experiments as well. We found that water coming directly from the tap had an ORP of +290mV, while the water coming out of the water alkalinizer had a negative ORP. The more negative the ORP of a substance (that is, the higher its negative ORP), the more likely it is to engage in chemical reactions that donate electrons. These electrons are immediately available to engage in reactions that neutralize positively charged free radicals. This is the key benefit of water produced by a water alkalinizer that is not available by simply drinking water that has had some bicarb or other compounds dissolved in it to make it alkaline.”

Free Radicals

“Free radicals are among the most damaging molecules in the body and are highly unstable molecules that are oxidizing agents and are electron deficient. They are a principal cause of damage and disease in the body. Oxygen free radicals contribute significantly to a broad variety of harmful conditions in the body ranging from life-threatening conditions such as heart disease, stroke and cancer, to less severe conditions such as sunburns, arthritis, cataracts, and many others. Free radicals MUST get electrons from somewhere and will steal them from whatever molecules are around, including normal, healthy tissues.”

“Damage to tissues results when free radicals strip these electrons from healthy cells. If the damage goes on unchecked, this will lead to disease. For example, the oxidation of LDL cholesterol particles in arterial walls by free radicals triggers an immune system response that results in atherosclerosis, the principal cause of heart disease. The negative ions in alkaline water from an electrolysis machine are a rich source of electrons that can be donated to these free radicals in the body, neutralizing them and stopping them from damaging healthy tissues. Specifically, these ions have the potential to engage in the chemical reactions necessary to neutralize oxygen free radicals.”

~Dr. Ray Kurzweil, Award-winning Scientist, Inventor (15)

Purchase today under user or distributor at  www.DrCSBrown.com  or call 1-888-490-9898

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

“Hexagonal water, comprised of small molecular units or ring-shaped clusters, move easily within the cellular matrix of the body, helping with nutrient absorption and waster removal. It aids metabolic processes, supports the immune system, contributes to lasting vitality and acts as a carrier of dissolved oxygen. It can provide alkaline minerals to the body and it helps in the more efficient removal of acidic wastes. Drinking hexagonal water takes us in the direction of health. It supports long life and freedom from disease. Biological organisms prefer hexagonal water.”


“Ionized water has a hexagonal shape and carries an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH-). It provides extra electrons that neutralize destructive free radicals circulating throughout the body. Hexagonal ionized water carries a high negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) when it is first produced, making it a potent anti-oxidant.”

“When taken internally, the reduced ionized water with it redox potential, or ORP of -250 to -350 readily donates its electrons to oddball oxygen radicals and blocks the interaction of the active oxygen with normal molecules.”

“Water has the ability to attract and accumulate bio-energy. It also stores an energy memory of harmful or helpful vibrations to which it was exposed in the past. Chlorinated tap water is polluted with non-biological chemicals and negative energy imprints. It is also devoid of bio-energy and so may be regarded as being badly polluted as well as ‘dead’. Alkaline living water is regarded by a growing number of health care professionals as the best water to drink and is listed as a medical device in Japan for the treatment of degenerative diseases.”

“My hypothesis was born from the clinical observation study in our clinic. Since May ’85 we have confirmed thousands of clinical improvements, obtained solely by exchanging drinking (as well as cooking water) from tap water to reduced water.”

~Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, Chemist, Founding president of the Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (16)

Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi

Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi

“Devices to produce reduced water were introduced into our clinic in May 1985. Based on the clinical experiences obtained in the past 15 years, it can be said that introduction of naturally reduced water (using H-01 Active Hydrogen Generator) or electrolyzed-reduced water for drinking and cooking purpose for in-patients should be the very prerequisite in our daily medical practices. It is because any dietary recipe cannot be a scientific one if property of water taken by the patients is not taken into consideration.”

“The Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan announced in 1965 that the intake of reduced water is effective for restoration of intestinal flora metabolism.”

HAYASHI, Hidemitsu, M.D., Water Institute, & KAWAMURA, Munenori, M.D., Kyowa Medical Clinic, (1985-2000)

Improvement of blood glucose and HbAIC levels in diabetes mellitus.
Improvement of peripheral circulation in diabetic gangrene.
Improvement of uric acid levels in gout.
Improvement of liver function in hepatic disease, cirrhosis of liver, hepatitis.
Improvement of gastroduodenal ulcers and prevention of recurrences.
Improvement of cholesterol level; hypertension, angina, myocardial infarction.
Improvement of hypersensitive disorders; atopic dermatitis, asthma, urticaria.
Improvement of autoimmune disorders; rheumatism, collagen disease, SLE.
Improvement of so-called specific diseases; Behcet€™ syndrome, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, Kawasaki’s disease.
Improvement of malignant tumors of liver; hepatoma, metastatic tumors.
Improvement of general malaise, chronic constipation & diarrhea as well as persistent diarrhea occurred after gastric resection.
Improvement of dehydration in infants with vomiting and diarrhea caused by viral infection.
Improvement of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns.
Experiences of pregnant women who took reduced water during their pregnancy; almost no emesis, smooth delivery, slight jaundice, enough lactation, smooth and satisfactory growth of newborns.

~Dr Hidemitsu Hayashi, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Director of the Water Institute of Japan

Dr. Yoshiaki Matsuo PhD

Dr. Yoshiaki Matsuo PhD

“in my opinion, redox potential is more important than pH. For example, the average pH of blood is 7.4 and acidosis or alkalosis are defined according to deviation within the range of 7.4 + -0.05. But nothing has been discussed about ORP, or oxidation-reduction potential.”

“It has long been established that reactive oxygen species (ROS) [free radicals that contain the oxygen atom] cause many types of damage to biomolecules and cellular structures, that, in turn result in the development of a variety of pathologic states such as diabetes, cancer and aging. Reduced water is defined as anti-oxidative water produced by reduction of water. Electrolyzed reduced water (ERW) has been demonstrated to be hydrogen-rich water and can scavenge ROS in vitro (Shirahata et al., 1997).”

~Dr. Yoshiaki Matsuo PhD., Vice President of the Water Institute of Japan (18)

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Dr. Robert Young

“The pH level (the acid-alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. Indeed, the entire metabolic process depends on a balanced internal alkaline environment. A chronically over-acidic pH corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating into marble. If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In summary, over-acidification interferes with life itself leading to all sickness and disease!”

“Researchers believe that disease is caused by excess acidity in our body that weakens all body systems. Caused by our high stress lifestyles, what we eat and pollutants, it affects virtually everyone. This forces the body to rob minerals calcium and magnesium from vital organs and bones. Our reserves are depleted, leaving the body vulnerable to bone density loss, heartburn, indigestion, blood sugar issues, weight gain – 68 conditions in all. When healthy, your body has sufficient alkaline reserves to balance it self and naturally resists disease. The easiest way to help your body to be more alkaline is to drink alkaline water”

~Dr. Robert O. Young, Cellular Nutritionist (21)

Dr. Sherry Rodgers

Dr. Sherry Rodgers

“Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste. After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I’m convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative disease.”

~Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D., Immunologist, Environmental Medicine (23)

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Dr. Don Colbert

“Hexagonal, alkaline water is especially effective in treating those with chronic disease.”

“Your body thrives in an alkaline environment since it is able to detoxify more efficiently than in an acidic environment. In an alkaline environment your tissues get rid of impurities more efficiently. When cancer patients come into my office to begin nutritional treatment, their bodies are almost always very acidic and toxic. My first task is to get their tissues alkalinized with alkaline water.”

“I have recommended alkaline hexagonal water to even my youngest patients. In 2005 a ten-year old girl and her parents came to my office in South Carolina. The girl had crippling juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and weighed only fifty-two pounds. Her hands were swollen like mitts, and her knees were swollen as large as softballs. I put her on hexagonal, alkaline water, one to two quarts a day. A week and a half later she was pain free, and her swelling was significantly diminished. When she arrived she was wheelchair bound, but she was actually able to walk without pain after only a week and a half of drinking hexagonal, alkaline water. Her parents were ecstatic. We raised the pH of her tissues. After a month, her hands were almost normal size.”

~Dr. Don Colbert, Medical Doctor (26)

Wade Lightheart, Canadian National Bodybuilding Team Member Three-Time Natural National Bodybuilding Champion, International Online Trainer

Wade Lightheart

“I’m real excited to talk about my experience with Kangen Water? What happen just a few months ago really shocked me and, I believe, it will be sending another shock wave into the athletic world. I was introduced to Kangen Water when I was invited to attend a demonstration. I went over to check it out and considered myself fairly knowledgeable about water, as I write about it in my books and I recognize the importance. I went over and had my first glass of water and I can honestly say that, from my very first glass, I said “Wow! There is something very different with this water.”

“I know my body very well and I knew that I had never tasted any water like this before. There was something going on at a cellular level as the water went into my body. I started drinking the water and I watched the presentation. Everything that was said during the presentation totally fit in with everything I had learned in the last 20 years. I wasn’t aware of any technology that could produce the results that I was feeling. I had been exposed to other ionizers and, frankly, I hadn’t been impressed. This time I was feeling something quite different in my body in just the first few hours.”

“Over the next few days I drank more water and saw the presentation a few more times. By the 3rd day I looked in the mirror and I could not believe the results. I was losing body fat at a rate that was quite shocking. My recovery at the gym was at a phenomenal rate. I felt like I could run thorough the gym walls. The water was doing something so positive that I decided to put my reputation on the line and I entered the National Bodybuilding Championships. With only 2 weeks preparation I won in two different categories and qualified to compete for Natural Mr. Olympia in Greece. Because of the Kangen Water my physique transformed; my life transformed; I’m thrust back into competition. I believe that Kangen Water, produced by the Enagic® machine, is going to be the next great thing in athletic performance!”

~Wade Lightheart (Wade McNutt), Natural Bodybuilding Champion (27)

Purchase today under user or distributor at  www.DrCSBrown.com  or call 1-888-490-9898

Foot Notes:

2. Dr. Hiromi Shinya was born in 1935 in Fukuoka. After graduating from Juntendo Univesity, School of Medicine, he was internationally active and made a phenomenal impact as a pioneer in the field of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Dr. Hiromi Shinya is a clinical professor of surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University; head of the endoscopic center at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York, New York; and Vice-chairman of the Japanese Medical Association in the United States. He is also affiliated with both the Maeda Hospital and Hanzoo-mon Gastrointestinal Clinic in Japan. Dr. Shinya pioneered modern colonoscopic techniques, and invented the electrosurgical polypectomy snare now common on colonoscopes, allowing for removal of colon polyps without invasive surgery. He also authored of The Enzyme Factor, the English translation of his book on the relationship between enzymes and health that has sold two million copies in Japan. In his book and even on the cover Dr. Shinya extols the virtues of drinking alkaline ionized water, specifically, Kangen Water produced only by the Enagic® devices. Dr. Shinya puts all his patients on Kangen Water; as part of his recommended diet.

3. Dr. Horst Filtzer, M.D. a Harvard Medical School graduate cum laude is a Vascular Surgeon. Horst has 35 years of active surgical practice in General and Vascular Surgery at Cambridge City Hospital in capacities as Assistant Director, Department Chairman, and Program Director He is also Director of the Wound Care Center in Western Arizona Regional Medical Center, Bullhead City, AZ.

4. Dr. Corinne Allen is an international researcher and practitioner in natural health and nutrition and has been in practice for more than 30 years. After receiving her doctorate in nutrition, Dr. Allen went on to more training in neurokinesiology and brain-stimulation techniques. She is recognized for her natural and practical approach to health regarding natural and alternative methods of stimulating permanent changes in the brain in dyslexia, ADD, autism, Asperger’s syndrome, learning disabilities, academic and behavioral issues and brain injuries. She runs the Advanced Learning & Development Institute.

5. Dr. Dave Carpenter is a member of the Idaho Association of Naturopathic Physicians. He is currently the President of the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), has served on the Board of Directors of IIPA since 1996 as Public Relations Director and Vice-President. Dr. Dave Carpenter is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncturists, and an IIPA Certified Comprehensive Iridologist (CCI). He is also a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association, the Idaho Acupuncture Association, faculty member of the Intermountain Institute of Natural Health, and a graduate of Central States College of Health Sciences as a Naturopathic Medical Doctor, and the Royal Academy of Naturopathy in Australia as a Naturopathic Doctor, a graduate of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncturists. Dr. Carpenter also holds a BS degree in Nutrition.

6. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., an internationally renowned researcher, author and advocate of the natural healing power of water, was born in Iran in 1931. He attended Fettes College in Scotland and was a graduate of St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University, where he studied under Sir Alexander Fleming, who shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery of penicillin. Dr. Batmanghelidj practiced medicine in the United Kingdom before returning to Iran where he played a key role in the development of hospitals and medical centers. His groundbreaking book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water (1992), has been translated into 15 languages and has sold over a million copies

7. Otto Heinrich Warburg was born on October 8, 1883, in Freiburg, Baden. His father, the physicist Emil Warburg, was President of the Physikalische Reichsanstalt, Wirklicher Geheimer Oberregierungsrat. Otto studied chemistry under the great Emil Fischer, and gained the degree, Doctor of Chemistry (Berlin), in 1906. He then studied under von Krehl and obtained the degree, Doctor of Medicine (Heidelberg), in 1911. He served in the Prussian Horse Guards during World War I. In 1918 he was appointed Professor at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology, Berlin-Dahlem. Since 1931 he is Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Cell Physiology, there, a donation of the Rockefeller Foundation to the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft, founded the previous year.

For his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to him in 1931. This discovery has opened up new ways in the fields of cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. He has shown, among other things, that cancerous cells can live and develop, even in the absence of oxygen. Otto Warburg is a Foreign Member of the Royal Society, London (1934) and a member of the Academies of Berlin, Halle, Copenhagen, Rome, and India. He has gained l’Ordre pour le Mérite, the Great Cross, and the Star and Shoulder Ribbon of the Bundesrepublik. In 1965 he was made doctor honoris causa at Oxford University. Copyright© The Nobel Foundation.

8. Dr. William Howard Hay graduated from the New York University Medical College in 1891 and spent 16 years in regular medicine, specializing in surgery. He later developed Bright’s Disease, and was unable to cure it using accepted medical methods of the time. This led him to find alternative methods to rid himself of disease. He came up with the concept of food combining (also known as the Dr. Hay diet), the idea that certain foods require an acid pH environment in digestion, and other foods require an alkaline pH environment, and that both cannot take place at the same time, in the same environment. After curing himself through proper diet, he wrote several books, started a sanatorium, and lectured throughout United States and Canada.

9. Dr Keiichi Morishita is Director of the Ochanomizu Clinic in Japan and the Head of the International Natural Medicine Association. He is also an Honorary Professor, Georgia Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor, Choson University & Graduate School, Korea, Visiting Professor, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China and Honorary Director, China Health Care Food Association & Senile-Resistant Association, Honorary Director, Non-Pharmacotherapy Treatment & Research Center, Heilongjiang Province China, and Honorary President, Guangxi Pama Institute of Longevity, China, among many others. He is the author of The Hidden Truth of Cancer 1950 Graduated from the Tokyo Medical University where he majored blood physiology. 1955 Received Ph.D. from Chiba University, the school of Medicine. 1960 Presented a basic theory of Natural Medicine for cancer treatment and longevity (Morishita Theory) 1966 Testified as a member of the academic panel at the hearing on cancer by the special Committee for Advancement of Scientific Technologies of the Japanese House of Representatives. 1970 Established the Natural Medicine Society, the Life Science Association and Ochanomizu Clinic 1977. The effectiveness of Natural Medicine was endorsed by the McGovern Report written by Senator George McGovern of the U.S.A. 1982. The validity of the theory, diet of meat produces cancer; diet of grain/vegetables prevents cancer, presented at the hearing was proven by the National Academy of Science (USA) Recommendation.

10. Dr. Robert C. Atkins, a physician and cardiologist was one of the pioneers of complementary medicine in the United States and one of the most famous, successful and enduring nutrition experts of the last 40 years. He was the founder of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine and Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. He also authored more than a dozen health and nutrition books, including Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, one of the 50 best-selling books of all time, and Atkins for Life, which quickly joined Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution on The New York Times bestseller list.

11. Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky is a Canadian naturopathic doctor with impressive academic credentials and a strong vision for natural medicine. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Anthropology from Trent University (1977), a Master’s in Medical Anthropology (1982) and a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (1985). He has been in practice over 20 years as a Naturopathic Physician as well as a consultant, writer, lecturer, radio host and teacher in the natural health industry. He has served as President of the BC Naturopathic Association and is currently serving on the BC College Board as Chairman of the Quality Assurance Committee. He is also a professor at the Boucher Institute Of Naturopathic Medicine in New Westminster. Dr. Kuprowsky has studied mind-body medicine with Deepak Chopra and a certified instructor for Dr. Chopra’s Creative Health program. He currently operates the Vancouver Naturopathic Clinic.

12. Theodore A. Baroody, DC, ND, Ph.D., Dipl. Acu. was born in Sanford, NC, in 1950. He received his B.S. in Psychology and his Masters degree in Educational Counseling from Western Carolina University in 1974 and 1978. He received his D.C. degree from Life Chiropractic College of Marietta, Ga. in 1981. He further studied in Beirut, Lebanon and at Colombo Americano, Columbia, as well as having traveled extensively in Europe and Asia to gather information on the healing arts. Dr. Baroody later completed an N.D. from Clayton School of Naturopathy in 1991 after years of clinical research in his practice and received his Ph.D. in Nutrition from American Holistic College. Dr. Baroody is a Certified Nutritional Consultant (C.N.C.) and a professional member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, and a diplomate in acupuncture. He is the author of the popular book, Alkalize or Die (2002)

13. Dr. Susan Lark is one of the foremost authorities in the fields of clinical nutrition and preventive medicine. A graduate of Northwestern University Medical School, she has served on the clinical faculty of Stanford University Medical School, and taught in their Division of Family and Community Medicine. Dr. Lark is a distinguished clinician, author, lecturer and innovative product developer. Through her extensive clinical experience, she has been an innovator in the use of self-care treatments such as diet, nutrition, exercise and stress management techniques in the field of women’s health, and has lectured extensively throughout the United States on topics in preventive medicine. She is the author of 13 best-selling books on women’s health including The Chemistry of Success.

14. Dr. Lester Packer, is the world’s foremost antioxidant research scientist. He is a senior scientist at the prestigious Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and Head of the Packer Lab at the University of California, where he has been a professor for 35 years. Dr. Packer is the executive editor of Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, and serves on the editorial advisory boards of Free Radical Biology and Medicine, The Journal of Applied Nutrition, and The Journal of Optimal Nutrition. He is a member of eight professional societies and is President of the International Society for Free Radical Research, and Vice President of UNESCO’s Global Network of Molecular and Cell Biology. Dr. Packer has published over 700 scientific papers and 70 books on every aspect of antioxidants and health, including the standard references Vitamin E in Health and Disease, Vitamin C in Health and Disease, The Handbook of Natural Antioxidants and Understanding the Process of Aging:The Roles of Mitochondria, Free Radicals, and Antioxidants. The International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) is produced by the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health to assist the public, health care providers, and researchers in locating credible, scientific literature on dietary supplements. Several hundred citations of the Packer Lab’s work on the antioxidant network and gene regulation are in the peer reviewed section of IBIDS database.

15. Dr. Ray Kurzweil is one of the world’s leading inventors, thinkers, and futurists. He’s been awarded 19 honorary doctorates, honored by 3 US Presidents and is recipient of many of the nations highest awards for excellence. He has been called “the restless genius” by the Wall Street Journal and “the ultimate thinking machine” by Forbes magazine and PBS included him as one of 16 “revolutionaries who made America,” along with other inventors of the past two centuries. Time magazine writes, “Kurzweil’s eclectic career and propensity of combining science with practical, often humanitarian applications have inspired comparisons with Thomas Edison”. Among Kurzweil’s many honors, he is the recipient of the $500,000 MIT-Lemelson Prize, the world’s largest for innovation. In 1999, he received the National Medal of Technology, the nation’s highest honor in technology, from President Clinton in a White House ceremony. And in 2002, he was inducted into the National Inventor’s Hall of Fame, established by the US Patent Office. Author of several books Dr. Kurzweil second book in 1993, The 10% Solution for a Healthy Life, How to Eliminate Virtually All Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer, was published by Crown Publishers. The book stemmed from Ray’s successfully curing himself of type II Diabetes through a nutritional program he had researched himself.

16. Professor Mu Shik Jhon, Honorary and Founding president of the Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA) and Former President of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST), was born in 1932 at Taegu, Korea and received BS and MS degrees from Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University in 1954 and 1958, respectively. Then he moved to U.S.A. to pursue his doctorate study at Department of Chemistry, University of Utah. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1966 and became an assistant professor at University of Virginia. Three years later, Prof. Jhon came back to his mother country, Korea, to serve as the head of Liquid State Chemistry Research Laboratory at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in 1969. Then, he joined the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) as a charter member in 1971. Prof. Jhon is a foreign fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India, and Pakistan Academy of Sciences, a foreign academician of Russian Academy of Science and a fellow of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences & Humanities. He published over 280 papers and produced many eminent scholars including about 50 Ph.D.s. He served as President of KAST, Founding President of AASA, Founding President of the Korean Association for the Advancement of Sciences and Chairman of the Board of Research Institute of Bioinformatics and Molecular Design. His main research fields were the theory of liquids and solids, structure and properties of water and aqueous solution, water and biological molecules, theoretical studies of zeolite, hydrogel and polymers. He was interested in the role of water in biological system, especially human body. To explain the role of water, he proposed a liquid structure theory, “Significant Structure Theory” and extended it to water. Hexagonal and pentagonal water structures are the water cluster models that he introduced to explain the abnormal behaviors of water. During last two decades before he passed away, he intensively worked on the illumination of the relation between hexagonal water and health, and authored The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key.

17. Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi was born in 1938. He practiced medicine and specialized in Cardiovascular Surgery after graduating in 1968 from the Medical School of Kobe University, Japan. He also studied at the University of Munich (1970-71). Specialized in the field of Cardiovascular Medicine. In 1985, after 20 years of clinical experiences as a surgeon he began advanced research on the medical benefits of water. In 1995 he simultaneously released in Japan and the U.S. his theory on the effects of hydrogen-rich water in preventing and treating illnesses. Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi is a researcher and a “Hydrogen-rich Water” Advocate, and is the Director of the Water Institute of Japan in Tokyo.

18. Dr. Yoshiaki Matsuo PhD is Vice President of the Water Institute of Japan and was contributing inventor to the modern domestic ionizer.

19. Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata is a Professor of Cellular Regulation Technology at the Department of Genetic Resources Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University. His activities have included the development of functional waters and foods for anti-allergy, immunopotentiation, anti-oxidation, anti-life style-related diseases; recently following researches have been focused on antioxidative function and improvement of various diseases by electrolyzed reduced water and natural reduced water. Dr. Shirahata has published abstracts and among other research topics has made presentations on; Evaluation of oxidant and antioxidant activities of various potable waters by ESR; Apoptotic inducing effect of active hydrogen on tumor cells; Application of water to therapy, current researches on reduced water and its clinical application; and Anti-diabetes effect of reduced water scavenging reactive oxygen species. His academic society affiliations include, Japanese Society for Animal Cell Technology (President, 2003- Japan), Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry (Editor Councilor of the West branch, 1999-2004, Japan), Japanese Society for Food and Nutrition (Councilor, 2000-2004, Japan), Japan Society for Food Science and Technology (Councilor of the West Branch, 1989-2004, Japan), European Society for Animal Cell Technology (Japan), Japanese Society for Immunology (Other), Japanese Society for Molecular Biology (Japan).

20. Dr. Arthur M. Echano, M.D., N.D., D.HOM.I., MACNEM is a Medical Doctor, a Naturopath, and a Nutritional Medicine specialist based in New South Wales, Australia who has been successfully practicing nutritional therapy in cancer management for the past 20 years. He has had several speaking engagements in various natural health seminars in Australia and Asia and has written several introductions for various Natural Health books in Australia. Dr. Echano is a 1978 medical graduate of the Faculty of Medicine & Surgery, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines. He also holds a doctorate degree in naturopathy from the U.S. and a diploma in homeopathic ionictherapy from Australia. He is a medical doctor and naturopathic physician Down Under and is a registered member of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine (ACNEM).

21. Robert O. Young, MS, D.Sc., Ph.D., N.D. has been widely recognized over the past two and a half decades. Throughout his career, his research has been focused at the cellular level. Having a specialty in cellular nutrition, Dr. Young has devoted his life to researching the true causes of “disease,” subsequently developing The New Biology to help people balance their life. In 1994, Dr. Young discovered the reality of biological transformation of red blood cells into bacteria and bacteria to red blood cells. He has since documented several such transformations. Dr. Young’s research findings have been published in several noted journals, including The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. (Sympathetic Resonance Technology, Scientific Foundations and Summary of Biologic and Clinical Studies, Dec. 2002, Vol. 8, No. 6: 835-842.) He is the author of numerous articles and author and co-author of many books including The pH Miracle (2002), The pH Miracle for Diabetes (2003), The pH Miracle for Weight Loss (2004).

22. Dr. Leshin is a holistic chiropractor and licensed acupuncturist. He has studied with the top physicians in the field of oriental medicine, nutritional therapies and kinesiological techniques. Dr. Leshin is the founder and developer of ACU-Field Therapy, a technique that has helped many people across the country with various conditions. Dr. Leshin works with chronic conditions such as cancer, MS, Parkinson’s as well as allergies and other ailments. He has helped people with severe hormone imbalances which lead to a variety of problems by using specialized testing procedures.

23. Dr. Sherry Rogers MD, is a Fellow of the American College of Allergy and Immunology and a Diplomate of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, and has been in private practice for over 26 years. Dr. Rogers lectures on her original scientific material worldwide, as well as giving advanced courses for physicians. She developed the Formaldehyde Spot Test and published her mold research in three volumes of the Annals of Allergy. She has published chemical testing methods in the National Institutes of Health Journal, Environmental Health Perspectives. In addition, she has published multiple scientific articles, authored 13 books including her most recent, The High Cholesterol Hoax, The High Blood Pressure Hoax, Detoxify or Die and Pain Free and has been environmental editor for Internal Medicine World Report. Dr. Rogers has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, in addition to Healthy, Wealthy and Wise and writes monthly articles for health magazines, plus her own newsletter, Total Wellness

24. Dr. Parker, N.D. & Biological Medicine expert is a traditionally trained Naturopathic Physician who resides in Spokane, Washington. She is an internationally renowned teacher and lecturer. After receiving her Naturopathic degree, Dr. Parker continued her education with a post-doctoral degree in Biological Medicine from the PBMN in Lustmühle, Switzerland. This intensive, two year program was designed and led by the famous Swiss physician, Dr. Thomas Rau. The basic focus of this course revolved around adjusting the pH (acid/alkaline ration within body fluids), ORP (rate of oxidation in body tissues), and the conductivity of minerals across the cell wall membrane, and just how these factors affect health. As a physician Dr. Parker has been trained to both administer and evaluate tests including Darkfield Microscopy, Biological Terrain Assessment (QFA), EAV, Electro-Dermal Screening, Computer Regulation Thermography, Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis, Sclerology, Heart Rate Variablitly, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, Applied Kinesiology and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to name a few.

25. Dr. Len Horowitz is an internationally known authority in behavioral science, public health education, and health practice management. He received his doctorate from Tufts University, was awarded a fellowship to do behavioral research at the University of Rochester, and later earned a Master of Public Health degree in behavioral science from Harvard University and a Masters degree in health education from Beacon College. One of healthcare’s most captivating motivational speakers, Len has served on the faculties of Tufts University, Harvard University, and Leslie College’s Institute for the Arts and Human Development, directed a multidisciplinary health center for over a decade, and currently serves as President of Tetrahedron, Inc., a nonprofit health educational corporation.

26. Don Colbert, M.D., is board certified in family practice and anti aging medicine. He is the Medical Director of the Divine Health Wellness Center in Orlando, Florida where he has treated over 40,000 patients. Dr. Colbert is an internationally known expert and prolific speaker on integrative medicine (a combination of traditional and alternative medicine). Don Colbert, M.D. has been featured on Fox News, ABC World News, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, BBC, Readers Digest, News Week, Prevention Magazine, and many others. He’s the best-selling author of over 40 books including What Would Jesus Eat, The Bible Cure Series, as well as The Seven Pillars of Health (a New York Times best-seller) that together have sold over 4 million copies. Many of Dr. Colbert’s books are required reading at many medical schools around the world. Dr.Colbert is on the Medical Advisory Board for the Fellowship of Christian Atlhletes. Dr. Colbert is also the president of Divine Health Inc., which distributes and sells nutritional supplements and vitamins.

27. Wade Lightheart, Three Time Canadian Natural Bodybuilding Champion, is one of the world’s premiere training and nutrition advisors. Having majored in Sports Science at the University of New Brunswick, he has authored numerous books on health, nutrition and exercise, which have sold in over 80 countries. Wade has starred in several exercise videos and is sought out by a wide range of persons and personalities. His global client list includes: actors, singers, CEO’s, professional and amateur athletes. Wade’s articles have appeared in over 200 publications worldwide and he continues to presents his dynamic lectures to sold-out audiences around the world. Wade is the President of Lightheart Lifestyle Services and founder of the Institute of Advanced Natural Health Sciences and institute dedicated to providing training and education for Natural Health Practitioners as well as the general public. He also serves as the Director of Human Performance at Yaletown Holistics and is an advisor to several national and international media Publications. During his competitive career Wade won competitions in 5 different weight categories, 4 overall championships, and 13 titles in total including 3 National Championships including appearances with Team Canada at the IFBB Mr. Universe contest in 2003 as well as 5th Place in the INBA Natural Olympia Contest in 2007.

28. Shan Stratton, Sports Nutritional Consultant for the NBA, NFL, MLB, PGA, LPGA, NASCAR, NHL, NY Yankees, AZ Diamondbacks, Houston Rockets, LA Dodgers, etc. He has worked with countless famous athletes like Kurt Warner, Maria Sharapova, Reggie Jackson, Cynthia Cooper and on and on. He states that drinking Kangen Water is the missing link to overall health and performance for athletes after promoting and counseling the use of high quality supplements, enzymes, and probiotics to the athletic community for over 15 years.

29. Felicia Drury Kliment, BA MS, is the author of The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet (2002). Her acid alkaline diet plan guides and shows how you can cure acid reflux and other degenerative diseases by following a simple diet program. Starting out as a teacher in the inner city, Felicia Drury Kliment was determined to find out what caused the learning disabilities and behavioral disorders in the children she taught. She found the answer when, years later, as a faculty member at The City College of the City University of New York, she and a colleague conducted a series of statistical research studies. These studies revealed how the processed food served in school cafeteria triggered out of control behavior in the classroom and made it harder to learn.

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The Master ‘Guru’ approach…the true Guru, is YOU!

The Master ‘Guru’ approach…the true Guru, is YOU!

by Dr-Craig Brown, founder of Expansive Medicine on Monday, September 19, 2011  Sabrianaacraigbrownsocialmetwitter-05

The Master ‘Guru’ approach…the true Guru, is YOU!


The Guru is inside us, for without your openness, compliance and discipline there will be no learning, and no healing. I can give ‘YOU’ the tools, the knowledge, the connections, and the methodology, but in the end, it is “YOU ” who has to make them work; and they will, if you believe in them. Practice them, live them, and believe in yourself, if you want to be better and stronger, in every way.  You will become “YOUR SUPER YOU”.  Everyone wants to be invited to the ‘party’; and yes, it should be fun, and Expansive Medicine does make it so. You will see when you come to my Seminars, Conferences and Retreats series.

You will find, if you trust and believe, there is a party, and a celebration, not only waiting on the outside for you, but a personal party ‘within’, as your mind and body heal…as they grow. As both start to develop, renew, and be rejuvenated, to higher levels of ‘betterment” each and everyday.

What we are doing is serious, and should be taken as such, for Expansive Medicine, does exactly that; it expands your horizons, so your dreams will finally be within your reach. We show you the ‘why’s’ and ‘how to’s’ of Expansive Medicine. Expansive Medicine delivers life-changing protocols leading you on a journey of both mental and physical enlightenment. This is accomplished naturally through researched and ‘drug-free’ medical protocols. The protocols are discussed in my Twelve Steps to the 21st Century Survival Kit via ‘Expansive Medicine’ symposiums. Expansive Medicine followers have experienced amazing benefits in everyday life, and even in the workplace!  We show you the ‘fail safes’ that help us return to where our bodies are supposed to be; a place of true natural health and longevity! It is about ‘Becoming Younger.’ It is about Stopping The Pain of Aging!  Expansive Medicine helps our children get a chance for a better tomorrow, guides the baby boomers back to health, before it is to late, and aids the elderly in finding a road to avoid the side affects of drugs, and the pains of aging. All this can be accomplished while discovering a new and better quality of life; a new and better tomorrow through Expansive Medicine.

We strive to prevent our loved ones from needing today’s quick fix medications (band aids). These ‘quick fixes’ often result in threatening our quality of life, in the not so distant future; sometimes, unknowingly affecting our energy levels, and ‘fast track’ other signs of aging. Expansive Medicine is about educating our young teens, 20’s, 30’s and 40 year olds on how not to be that ‘man or women’ suffering with their walker, hunched over in pain, with no vitality… with no quality of life. We sometimes forget it could be and will be ‘you’ someday if you do not take action now! What Expansive Medicine does, is show our youth a brighter stronger path ahead, and helps our 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s get back the vitality and quality of life that has been taken away from them.  It is about “Becoming Younger”.  Dr. Craig Brown, Founder of Expansive Medicine



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Neglect of Knowledge in Both Holistic and Main Stream Medicine

“There are many inexcusable things going on in today’s Medical environment, both in Main Stream and Holistic Medicine.  The main crime is the neglect of knowledge, by blindly accepting the answers given to ‘us’, without question or our use of medical common sense”-Dr Craig Brown founder of Expansive Medicine and The Holistic health Social Network


“Absence of one’s own thought stagnates any possibility of forward movement or progress”-Dr Craig Brown, founder of Expansive Medicine and The Holistic Health Social Network

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Have A Heart! by Dr. Craig Brown, founder of Expansive Medicine

Have A Heart!

by Dr. Craig Brown, founder of Expansive Medicine

 WebsitePictureAnti CholesterolHeart Healthy Drink foil bag stickerBestest

 In 2000, my Mom called me while I was away on vacation and told me that my Dad was diagnosed with pneumonia. My Dad, also a Doctor and talented surgeon, was never sick a day in his life.  I had the honor of practicing with him for many years. In addition to being a wonderful father, he was also my best friend; the most caring, honest, grounded person I have ever met in my life.


A couple of weeks later, once again he had a second bout of the pneumonia. Immediately I flew home. Familiar with his perfect health history, I knew something was deadly wrong. I drove straight to my parent’s home, and immediately examined him. Shocked with my findings, at his request I brought him to the most prestigious hospital in New York. We met with the most respected Cardiologists and Cardiac Surgeons, in the world, who were both friends and colleagues of mine. We arrived and raced him through the emergency room for a series of tests. At this point he could hardly walk without gasping for air. It was only 6 weeks ago that we were playing half court basketball as we always did growing up.


After 24 hours, the results came back. He was diagnosed with terminal Cardiomyopathy. We were told to prepare for the worst. The cardiologist told us his ejection fraction, the analysis of the ‘pumping action’ from the left ventricle of the heart, measured 74% necrotic. This was so poor that he estimated that Dad had only 3 months to live at most. I said thank you, but inside, I said NO!  


With the disciplines and the protocols of my “Expansive Medicine,” he had nothing to lose and everything to gain. He had more to live for and his “time” was not up just yet. I did not take him off the medications his mainstream physicians prescribed. I also did not counter any of their instructions. I EXPANDED. I had no choice; I knew I had to fight against the detrimental side effects of the medications he was taking. I knew this wasn’t going to be easy since my Dad was a mainstream doctor himself with an old school philosophy.


I discovered a triad, along with my protocols of “Expansive Medicine: Sleep Apnea, Oral-Nasal Systemic Connection, and Oral Pathology (more information on the Oral-Nasal Systemic Connection, and the Expansive Medicine 12-Step Program can be found on my website www.drcraigbrown.com). By implementing Expansive Medicine Program, and adding our special formulas, (as well as a more natural raw food regime), we supplemented the deficit of vital nutrients and enzymes with regiments necessary to restore most cardiac patients to homeostasis. One of the many we addressed was CoQ10. (Please note not all brands are created equal; many of them are lacking in the quality necessary to achieve life restoring benefits). Our protocols created what mainstream medicine would call a ‘miracle’.  We call it ‘Expansive Medicine!’  Within 3 months, he was taking the staircase faster than I have seen him even before his illness. His quality of life came back!!!



No more gasping for air. No more constant drowsiness. No more forgetfulness. He was getting properly oxygenated, and fortified by Expansive Medicine Protocols…building, cleansing, and detoxing. He was becoming younger, healthier and more vital. He was living !!!! He was getting a second chance. He got his life back, when mainstream said…. impossible!!! He lived, laughed, loved, and prospered with my Mom till 2007…. 7 more years, instead of 3 months.



But I was puzzled. I was certain I could get him much longer, if he was being compliant. I found out on his deathbed that his Cardiologist frightened him into dismissing my life sustaining protocols; convincing my Dad he could discard them if he wanted.


Compliance is the most difficult but the most necessary piece of a winning puzzle, when it comes to natural “Expansive Medicine.” Patients, no matter who, sometimes look for any reason they can find to get ‘lazy.’ This lack of compliance, or ‘laziness’ is the downfall of the prevention and potential reversal of all disease. My Dad’s cholesterol was around 200 before he started taking the drug. This number, and even higher numbers are easily reduced most of the time, by “Expansive Medicine” protocols along with special raw food diets. I always tell people to educate themselves a bit before taking prescription drugs. Is there an equally effective alternative, without all the negative side effects that can create additional unrelated health problems? At the very least, patients should educate themselves about what they are putting in their bodies, and the long-term risks.


Why are these ‘side effects’ and ‘adverse reactions’ happening?! What do these side affects really mean?! What is really going on in your body for you to have these systemic adverse reactions from a drug? There are many reasons I have discovered. For instance, statins deplete CoEnzyme Q 10, creating ‘Statin Induced Cardiomyopathy.’ So why would you put a patient who has Cardiomyopathy already on a statin to deplete more of the life dependent humanly produced CoQ10 enzyme?


I am not saying there isn’t a place for pharmaceutical medicine, but always know what you are taking and the ramifications of your actions. Know that there is always an alternative. Consider leading your life, down the path of “Expansive Medicine,” now as a preventative. This will avoid being in a position to have to take the ‘quick fix,’ putting on a temporary ‘band aid’ which will only hide the symptoms, possibly causing more serious health problems sometimes in the not so distant future. 

Don’t waste valuable time.  A vital and ultimately healthy heart is one of the special keys that unlock the door to a stronger, longer, better quality life. Day to day living to your maximum potential Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually and Financially. Let Expansive Medicine show you the way.

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Dr. Craig Brown is the founder of Expansive Medicine and Harvard trained surgeon. The mission is to educate the public on building immunity using protocols for real anti-aging results, disease prevention, and to help combat existing disease. For more information on this subject or Dr. Brown’s 12-Step Program visit his website at www.drcraigbrown.com or e-mail drcraigbrown@drcraigbrown.com

Expansive Medicine Conference in Delray Beach, FL  Nov. 2nd-3rd   www.DrCraigBrown.com/events 

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Sign up now for your chance to WIN

Enter for your chance to **WIN a FREE Raw Food Dehydrator**  in our upcoming drawing on August 31th.

Come visit our Expansive Holistic Health Conference on November 2nd and 3rd in magnificent Delray Beach, Florida at the Crest Theater, (20 minutes North of the Ft Lauderdale airport), for important instructions, information, and recipes showing  how to use your Food Dehydrator to maximize your health and happiness.
